SUNY Albany RIP-Chip Analysis CEL files for each sample were processed using the apt-probeset-summarize binary provided by Affymetrix. One qualitative (DABG) and two quantitative (RMA, PLIER) measures of expression were derived for each gene-level metaprobeset on the chips using the command line parameters given below: apt-probeset-summarize -a rma-bg,pm-gcbg,med-polish -a pm-gcbg,plier -a pm-only,dabg.neglog10=true \ --precision 10 -p lib/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.pgf -c lib/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.clf -b lib/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.antigenomic.bgp \ -m lib/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.dt1.hg18.full.mps -o gene/ --cel-files cel_list For a detailed explanation of the parameters please see Affymetrix documentation for apt-probeset-summarize: An R session was used to import the expression values and experiment descriptions so that the following steps could be performed. 1. A conservative DABG p-value cutoff for presence was established at p < 1e-256 (neglog10 value = 256). Visual inspection of DABG score distribution across all HuEx10ST chips bear this out as a natural bipartite division point for the data. 2. Probesets at or below the DABG p-val cutoff for all replicates were marked as present in the given condition & cell-line. 3. Lists of core probesets present in IP, in Total, and in Either are generated. 4. Average log2 fold-changes for IP over total are taken for both the rma and plier expression scores. 5. P-values for significant overexpression in IP replicates over total replicates are taken for rma and plier scores. 6. The minimum of the rma & plier fold-changes is used as the overall fold-change. 7. The maximum of the rma & plier p-values is used as the overall overexpression p-value. 8. A default score of -10 is set and for all probesets present in IP, scores are replaced by -log10(max.p-value)*(min.log2.fold-change) [ranging from ~-.5 to ~15] 9. Scores are scaled according to: x = 10*(x+10)+1 - now absent in IP probesets have a score of 1 and present in IP probesets range from ~100 to ~1000. 10. A broadPeak bed file is created corresponding to the core gene-level probesets for each cell-line with the score field containing our scaled score, the signal field containing our minimum log2 fold-change, and the p-value field containing -log10 of our maximum p-value. The q-value is left at the default of -1.